Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Who Obama Really Is....

Obama said if you would like to know how he stands on topics why don't you look at who he surrounds himself with....

How can Obama not be a socialist when he surrounds himself with people like...
Green Jobs Czar Van Jones (a communist)
Energy/Climate Czar Carol Browner (One of the Leaders of Socialist International)
Science Czar John Holdren (Advocate for Population Control Measures/Population Cap/Including putting sterilents in drinking water)
Information Czar Vivek Kundra (Convicted Shoplifter/Fugitive)

Those are just a few Czars, as of right now there are 44 Czars.

Czars are created by executive orders and need no confirmation by congress, therefore they dont have to report to congress and have no boundary.

Obama has way more Czars than any other president has had, and yet he has not even filled more than half of the vital senior positions that need to be confirmed by congress.


OBAMA is not a Capitalist, in fact he is anti-capitalist.

He is not for democratic republic but rather a socialist republic or even worse, communism.

Yes the people who one surrounds themselves with usually do tell alot about their beliefs and their plans of action.

Obama thank you for warning us, thank you to everyone who voted in Mr. Obama. You will be glad to see that he will "Fundementally change the beliefs of American society".

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Parties

To all of you who attended the tea parties all across America today, I thank you for showing your support against the increase in taxes all across America, as well as the GARGANTUAN increase in government and government spending!

If Barack Obama promised to cut taxes for 96% of America, why not the other 4%? IF tax cuts are good, then why not give them to everyone? We already have a progressive tax system! And about 40% of workers dont pay income tax (They pay social security and medicare but not income tax).

ALSO, OBAMA is planning on increasing other taxes, "cap and trade" for greenhouse gas emissions will increase everyone's energy bills, not just the rich as he promised!

Who will finance the enormous debt that we will incur through Obama? The future generations of the US, there is no way Obama can sustain such a huge budget throughout his tenure without drastically increasing taxes or placing the debt on future generations.

Oh and he promised to cut the deficit in half, lets see if he can even come close.

Thank You Mr. Obama for spending so much of OUR money without our consent, I don't remember you promising HUGE increases in deficit spending.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

For Obama, selling his presidency to the American public is all just a show.

On February 9, 2009, President Barack Obama gave his first White House press conference. It was hopeful in these dismal times, however, did anyone catch something George Bush would never have been caught doing?
If George Bush prescreened all of his Press Conference questions he would have been roasted by the media.
Barack Obama did just this, all of his questions were prescreened, something the media didn't even "notice"...
Im not sure if this has something to do with the media bias, but you can be the judge...

Oh and also, Obama cannot go anywhere without his teleprompter. If you have seen him speak without a teleprompter he is actually terrible, and not the charismatic leader most of you voted for.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pelosi is "un-American"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently told a group of both legal and illegal immigrants and their families that enforcement of existing immigration laws, as currently practiced, is "un-American."

This is completely ridiculous, how is cracking down on illegal immigrants un-American?

So... Illegal immigrants who pay no taxes should be allowed to keep their jobs, even if they did not go through the legal channels to get a work visa (Like alot of immigrants do)... and instead snuck across the border?

Yes, America is a country of immigrants.. I know.. But.. Those immigrants who founded this country came through the legal channels.

I cannot understand how in certain states.. (California).. They allow their illegals to have drivers licenses... oh and free healthcare... So many people in our country are uninsured and we cover illegals but not those America citizens who need it most.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Greenhouse Gas Myth

Please read this article:


Or atleast the physicists summary part...

There is no such thing as the "greenhouse effect". CO2 is not a heat trapping gas.

Also... when you are done read this:


Global warming is a scare tactic.. of course we must take care of our environment, but capping CO2 emissions will do nothing to curb global warming and prevent destruction of the environment.

It will also ravage our economy.

Al Gore is a complete idiot, EVEN IF global warming was caused by carbon, he would be the largest hypocrite because he uses so much carbon in his daily life (Private Jet, Mansion... etc.), but buys carbon credits and claims he is carbon neutral....

He always would laugh at anyone who would tried to present any science against it. Please show me your science Al.

So to all of you who believe that global warming is anthropogenic, you are wrong.

Al Gore just knows how to play with parameters and graphs to make them seem exactly how he wants you to see them so he can brainwash you.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Begining of the Financial Crisis.

A multitude of things caused the current financial crisis. The Clinton Administration enacted a new policy on home ownership during their tenure. This mandated that mortgage institutions expand the amount of subprime loans they gave out. The amount of subprime loans has since skyrocketed. Subprime mortgages are mortgages for people with bad credit scores and the inability to pay their monthly payments. The Bush administration then continued to support this policy of expanded home ownership, if he went against this policy he would be seen as a president against the poor. Housing speculation went through the roof, and people began buying and selling houses with borrowed money because credit was so easily available. Housing prices were driven so high that in some places, houses sold for double their actual worth. Then the housing bubble burst, and prices bottomed out as people could no longer sell and buyers were scarce. This caused defaults on mortgages and an increase in foreclosures nationwide. As this was occurring, mortgage companies packaged these securities as investments, and sold them to investors, which eventually turned “bad.” With many subprime mortgages going into foreclosure, the value of these securities greatly diminished and investors lost vast sums of money; most notably Lehman Brothers. As soon as this happened it set off a chain reaction in the economy, and the stock market plunged. Soon American International Group (AIG) was affected because they insured these bad securities and went bankrupt; AIG is the world’s largest insurance company and insures a variety of things worldwide. The government then stepped in and acquired AIG, and took over 80 percent of its equity. If went AIG went completely under, there would dire consequences worldwide. In the first three weeks of the financial crisis the American economy lost more than 1 trillion dollars in wealth. This occurred because Congress failed to act quickly on the bailout plan. This sent investors on a sell-off the stock market on record drops. Had the first bailout package not been passed as quickly as it was, people would have woken up the next day and they would have encountered empty ATMs. The panic has caused many firms to go bankrupt, weeding out the weakest, least productive ones.

Now with Barack Obama as President we have seen Government drastically expand, along with more bailout packages filled with earmarks or "pork"- something Obama ran against.

Oh and did Barack Obama just triple the Deficit.

Yes he did.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

YES WE CAN! CHANGE... Has come?

OBAMA ran on his motto's "CHANGE" and "YES WE CAN!" The funny thing is... I have seen barely any change, if not things which are worse than before.
Things OBAMA ran on which he now is against:
1. stopping huge goverment spending- Record Deficit, Record Spending, Huge Sums Awarded to government departments
2. getting rid of congressional earmarks- 787 billion stimulus bill - 8,000 earmarks, 410 billion stimulus bill 8,500 earmarks.
3. allowing citizens to see any bill 48 hours before congress votes on it- 787 billion stimulus bill online for less than 24 hours for people to view it before congress voted on it
4. no lobbyists would be awarded positions in his white house - two already in the white house
5. not allowing fear mongering to scare people into action- saying if we dont pass this stimulus bill we will go into a depression we'll never get out of.
6. having washington become more bipartisan and reach across party lines- will listen to republicans however will not compromise
7. Make his government open and transparent (No More Secrecy)- Meetings behind closed doors.

So to all of you who voted for Obama, I hope you are happy with the CHANGE you received.